Sunday, September 20, 2020

The Power of YOU... Our Power Together


Before we knew anything about how a global pandemic would shape 2020...

Mr. Schwartz asked Mrs. Power's 4th/5th grade students to select three colors that would represent three important ingredients to their class.  

1. Pick a color to represent what makes you...YOU.

2. Pick a color to represent when your class is at its best.

3. Pick a color to represent one person or thing (from school, home or community) that support you so you can be successful in Mrs. Power's class.

The class was experiencing a few changes and Mr. Schwartz wanted to encourage everyone to consider their part in what makes their classroom click and how the support of others factors into a good moment.

Over the course of a several weeks, the student and their teachers got to prepare and shape their clay circles using a few tricks to make sure the clay discs were all approximately the same size and could survive the firing process.  When the clay was fired and more like stone, each student got to take their color recipe and use the pottery wheel to apply glaze to their circle making sure that when they were finished, that all three colors could be seen on their circle. Basically... Spin art but with fancier materials!

We had no way of predicting that right after the discs were glaze painted, that we would be suddenly separated from our in-person class when we shifted to remote learning for the safety of everyone.  The ARTSY art exhibit where the class planned to feature this group piece was sadly cancelled as most community event were.

During the Summer, Mr. Schwartz got to combine these circles using wire to create the final piece that is displayed today.  It is Mr. Schwartz's hope that this image that the kids agreed would be kept in one piece will be displayed in a future ARTSY art exhibit.  

While we are remote, this piece serves as a wonderful reminder of how important each one of us are to the class experience whether it is in-person or virtual.  When we return, we look to have this piece make a tour to several of the classrooms that the artists and teachers who made this now attend.  

Thank you for taking the time to appreciate this piece and read what it is all about!  Have a wonderful week of learning and supporting each other!

- Mr. Schwartz

Friday, August 21, 2020

A message to the Art Therapy Program students and parents

Welcome students and parents to what will likely be the most unique start to a school year we will ever encounter.  And while there will certainly be some hiccups as we launch this year’s remote learning plan, I am just as excited as any year to be back.  I am eager to work through all of the changes and find time to connect with your child to make sure they are getting their art therapy services in a manner that is safe and works for your whole family.

I will be reaching out in the weeks to come to set up a plan for while we are remote learning to make sure your child has a chance to talk with me and do art when possible.  I was very successful setting up tele-sessions using Zoom and Google Meet last year with a good percentage of the kids I see when we shifted to all remote learning in March.  I will also be sharing other resources and options throughout the year that I hope my art therapy students can access to give them safe and appropriate outlets for managing the stress that we all know is associated with our community sorting out how best learn and stay safe and healthy this year.   Look for more information on how to access these resources and activities soon.

When we are back in the buildings, I will be developing a schedule that works for in-person support and may need to change your child’s days and times for sessions to make sure they are getting most out of their instructional time in the classroom.

I love to hear from parents and I feel we do our best work when we can stay in touch.  I would like to encourage you to keep me informed of issues that may impact your child’s performance or comfort level while in school.   If you leave me a message, I will always get back as soon as I am able.

-Mr. Schwartz

Art Therapist Grades K-12

West Elementary Office: (618) 433-7235. 

Alton High School Art Therapy Office: (618) 474-6963

Alton Middle School Art Therapy Office: (618) 474-2173
